Fishing Classic entries opening SOON!!!


The following information should be read by all entrants and all those wishing to take part.

Te Anau Helicopter Services Fiordland Big 3 2025 Tournament Rules

Enter online only.  Online entries close at 5.00pm on Thursday 30th May 2024. 

  1. A maximum of 4 people per team (adults are deemed 16 years and older).

  2. Hunters can be entered in one team only.

  3. Team member's names must be confirmed by 5.00pm Thursday 30th May 2024 . No changes allowed after this time.

  4. No late entries will be accepted.

  5. All fees to be paid in full at time of entry to be eligible to enter competition.

  6. Winners must be willing to provide photographs and feedback on their prize for promotional purposes.

 Firearms and Licenses

  1. All firearms regulations must be obeyed.

  2. All Firearms must be secured and stowed in accordance with the Firearms regulations when not being used.

  3. Necessary permits, licenses, and landowners permission must be obtained.


  1. Hunting may commence 7.00pm on Thursday 29th May 2025
    NO hunting is permitted before this time.

  2. Catchment area is Southland & Otago wide.

  3. Adults: Only one deer, one pig and one pest (see pest list below) per team to be weighed in. 

    Children/Youth: Only one possum, one rabbit or hare and one pest (see pest list below) per team to be weighed in.

  4. All animals must be wild; that is born wild, lived wild and caught wild.

  5. No shooting from helicopters.

  6. No Wapiti type animals.

  7. The decision to launch a boat is solely at the discretion of the skipper. All boaties are urged to comply with normal safety procedure (life jackets, radios etc.) and Maritime NZ Safety Rules

Pest list for Adults

  • Possum

  • Canadian Goose

  • Rabbit or Hare

  • Stoat or Ferret

  • Magpie

Pest list for Children

  • Mouse or Rat

  • Canadian Goose

  • Stoat or Ferret

  • Magpie

Pest list for MUMS and Kids category 

  • Possum

  • Canadian Goose

  • Rabbit or Hare

  • Stoat or Ferret

  • Magpie

  • Mouse or rat

**Kids are welcome to enter into both Kids/Youth as well as the joint category with mum, must just have a separate haul of pests. 


  1. Weigh in to be held at Te Anau Rugby Clubrooms, Dusky St, Te Anau 12 - 2pm, Sunday 1st June 2025.

  2. Final weigh in time 2pm. Animals to be presented or in the queue before 2pm deadline.

  3. To be eligible for the (adult) major prize draw you must present one of each species at weigh-in and be present at the time of the prize draw.

  4. All animals weighed in to be presented by the entrant/s.

  5. All Pigs and Deer to be gutted and presented in fresh edible condition at time of weigh in. All organs and internal matter to be removed and ready for processing. All game to be presented with hocks on, heads attached, testicles in and throats clean. Weigh Master can decline any animal should they deem it rotten or doubt its eligibility.

  6. All Pigs & Deer MUST be ears on, ears intact, clean and have no marks. If requested, proof of where and when the animal was taken needs to be supplied including GPS co-ordinates of the Gut Bag.

  7. Tails and antlers belong to the team that entered the animal.  Anyone taking other entrant tails and antlers will be reported to the police as it is deemed to be theft.  However, teams have the opportunity to donate to the organising committee for fundraising purposes if they wish.

  8. If you wish to leave throats intact for mounting purposes, please note that 5% will be taken off the total weight.

  9. To be eligible for the best Tusk prize your Pigs jaw must be open with a stick upon arrival at weigh in.

  10. All game to be left on display until after prize giving. We will assist in the removal of your entries after prize giving.  If you do not wish to take any animal away and would like to donate your animals to the Te Anau Rugby Club, please advise a committee member during weigh-in.

  11. Judges decision will be final

 Prize Giving

  1. Prize giving will be held at the Te Anau Rugby Clubrooms, Dusky St, Te Anau on Sunday 1st June as soon as all results are collated - approximately 3.30/4pm. 

  2. The (adult) barrel major prize with Te Anau Helicopter Services, (3 team names will be pulled, then 1st team drawn from those 3 is the winner – 2 x runner up prizes)

  3. To be eligible for the (adult) major prize draw you must present a Deer, a Pig and a Pest (see list above) at weigh-in.

  4. At least 1 x Hunter from each team must be present to claim any prize.

  5. Spot prizes will be drawn from entries only and will need to be present to collect prizes 


  1. Anyone acting in a dangerous or unlawful manner will have their entry terminated

  2. Breach of these rules may lead to participants being disqualified from the tournament

  3. All dogs must be secured in vehicles while at the Te Anau Rugby Grounds

  4. If you do not wish to take your entry away after prize giving, please advise the weigh in team or a committee member while weighing in.  Your entry will then become the property of the organising committee.

  5. DO NOT take away an animal (or any part of an animal) that you did not enter. 

  6. The Te Anau Rugby Club will be operating a licensed bar on Sunday from 12 noon until one hour after completion of prize giving.  No BYO permitted.

  7. Food will be available for purchase (BBQ, hot chips and hot dogs)

 Children's competition

(one possum, one rabbit/hare and one pest)

  1. Children to be 16 years and younger.

  2. No animals need to be gutted at the time of entry.

  3. Can enter on the day

Youth Competition 

(one possum, one rabbit/hare and pig or deer)

  1. Children to be ages 12-16

  2. Only pig & deer to be gutted at time of entry

  3. Optional to enter children or youth depending on ages 

  4. Can enter on the day ($45)

MUMS & Kids Category 

(3 x different pests)

  1. Children to be under 18

  2. points based scoring, not weight. Mystery points 

  3. Kids are welcome to enter into both Kids/Youth as well as Mums and Kids category - must have separate animals/pests for each category entered

  4. Mum/Nana/Granny or even dad... this is a new category started in 2024

  5. Can enter on the day ($40 on the day, $35 online)

In entering this tournament you agree to hold free of liability all members of the Te Anau Community Events Charitable Trust, Te Anau Rugby Club and their employees, volunteers, organising committee, all sponsors and associates.

No correspondence will be entered into.

The Fiordland Big 3 organising committee reserve the right to decline an individual or team from entering the competition.+